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What is live virtual learning?

What is live virtual learning?

Our live virtual training is designed to replicate the benefits of in-person training but from the comfort and safety of your home.

Virtual training is live and interactive. Expect what you would from our in-person training, Q&A time, videos, activities and material you can take away to support with putting your new knowledge into action.

The technology is easy to use and a host is available on each session to support with any technical hitches you might hit. If you have a computer and internet connection you have been able to successfully use for video calling via software like Zoom or Zoom in the past, you’ll be able to access our virtual training.

Here is some feedback from one of the delegates…

“The session was very informative, and I will be able to put a lot of what I have learnt into the classroom. The technical support in the session was fantastic and any issues I had were quickly and successfully attended too. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and answered questions extremely well. The session had a good pace to it and was as good as I think you could get without being an in-person session.